Professor David Iornem
SENATOR PROFESSOR DAVID IORNEM Harvard University Business School Executive Program (2021) with Distinction,PhD, MSc, M.eCom, MBA(eCom), BSc, BAM, B.Ed, MCIM, FIMC, FCIM, FIPFM,FNIMN, Dip.M, Dip.CAM, Dip.Com, DMS, CMC, FNIM, MBIM, M.CAM, FCMA, FAICL, FCALM, MSPMC, MMS, frpa, PGDE, LTTC E-Learning, D.Litt., SEC Licensed, CIS Licensed, CFA, FCPFC, ACBAN, FCCB. PROFILE OF PROFESSOR DAVID […]
How to Pass NABTEB Exam
Student, especially those in the secondary section, don’t know that the first step to an easy and successful examination is RESOLVING to write the exam. Does it shock you? Or you think it is an already known fact: how will you take the exam without resolving to write it! Many of the time we […]